#5: JavaScript interview task - Build an interactive pie chart.

Hello Devs!

Welcome back to another Tuesday of building a frontend feature. Today we are solving a very commonly asked Interactive JS feature in an interview setup.

[An interactive pie chart].

This one is going to be a quick issue as there isn't many moving parts to this question.

What are we building?

Live preview with code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-psytzb?file=index.html


Here the task is to create a range slider and a pie chart and bind the `pie chart` value with `range slider` value.

So that when range slider value is changed, it reflects automatically in pie-chart.

Simple! :-)

System Design

Creating a range slider is straight forward with `<input type="range" />`.

The challenge here is to create the `pie-chart`.

For the pie-chart we will start with a `<div>` and `--percentage` CSS variable.

`--percentage` here is a CSS variable. Its value can be manipulated with JavaScript.

Let the coding begin

First thing first.

Add HTML body.

Here we have added:

  • Range input with minimum, maximum allowed and default value (set to 10) specified.
  • A div for pie-chart with style set to `--percentage` variable (default set to 10) which will be manipulated with JS.

Now let's add some CSS to our HTML.

The thing to notice here is `background-image` property.

That's where the secret to this task is.

`conic-gradient` allows to set background-image to specified percentage of background. For ex:
- 100% will add image to full background.
- 50% will add image to half background, and so on.

And that's why we added `--percentage` variable, so that we can change it based on range input value.

Alright, now all we got to do is capture range input value and bind it to the `--percentage` CSS variable. So let's do that quickly.

This is pretty easy to understand.

  • Add an event listener to range slider input.
  • Whenever range slider input is changed, set the pie-chart div style `--percentage` variable to the value (event.target.value) from range slider.

Well, go ahead and change the value of your range slider. The pie-chart automatically updates in real-time.

Reply to this email, if you have any suggestion on which feature should I build next.

Whenever you are ready, I can help you in 2 ways.

  • Ask Me Anything: If you have any question related to web development. Ask me here. I reply to all questions.
  • LinkedIn For Developers: Book 1:1 call with me to turn around your LinkedIn profile and attract better opportunities.

Diary Of A Dev

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