#2: Build a password strength indicator in ReactJs.

Howdy Devs,

Las week we built an `Adaptive progress bar text`. Despite the complexity of that feature, I am thrilled to see the response from you all on my first issue. Thanks a lot for that.

Today we are building a simple "Password Strength Indicator" in React.

So, let's dive in to build our second frontend feature. [Password Strength Indicator]

What are we building?

Live Preview: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-usrrut?file=src%2FApp.jsx

Let the coding began.

If you have built anything in React previously, this one will be fairly simple for you. In-fact I would suggest you to go ahead and try to build this feature on your own first, then come back and check my solution.

First thing first, let's show an input element and a strength indicator text on the screen.

<input type="password" placeholder="Enter your password" />
<small>Password strength:</small>

Cool, now let's make it a controlled component by adding state for input value. Along with that we will add a state to store strength of the password.

const [password, setPassword] = useState("");
const [strength, setStrength] = useState("");
return (
placeholder="Enter your password"
onChange={(event) => setPassword(event.target.value)}
<small>Password strength: {strength}</small>

Now this is a controlled component with input being handled by a local state. We also added strength value in strength indicator text.

But wait, How are we gonna calculate the strength of the password entered by user? First let's decide what we consider as a strong password. A password is strong if it have following features.

  • Minimum 8 characters.
  • Contains lowercase letters.
  • Contains uppercase letters.
  • Contains number.
  • Contains special characters.

So, let's write a function which will evaluate the strength of a given password based on the above points.

function evaluatePasswordStrength(password) {
let score = 0;

if (!password) return '';

// Check password length
if (password.length > 8) score += 1;
// Contains lowercase
if (/[a-z]/.test(password)) score += 1;
// Contains uppercase
if (/[A-Z]/.test(password)) score += 1;
// Contains numbers
if (/\d/.test(password)) score += 1;
// Contains special characters
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(password)) score += 1;

The above function adds 1 to the score for each password feature available. More the score stronger the password. To check for features like lowercase, uppercase, number, and special characters we are using regex.

Regex is a tool to identify patterns in a string. If you are not familiar with it just google and read basics of it. It is not that tough. And most of the time your desired regex pattern is just a search away.

  • Score: 0-2 (Weak password)
  • Score: 3 (Medium password)
  • Score: 4-5 (Strong password)

Next we determine and set the strength state based on the above points.

function evaluatePasswordStrength(password) {
switch (score) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
return "Weak";
case 3:
return "Medium";
case 4:
case 5:
return "Strong";

In the onChange callback where we set password value, we will also set the strength state to value which is returned from evaluatePasswordStrength function.

onChange={(event) => {

And, that is it. Our password strength indicator is ready.

There is a small addition we can make, but we won't do it here. I give it to you as a challenge to solve. You can check the solution in final preview link.


Add a feature to strength indicator text so that it changes its color based on the strength.

  • Weak password shows in red color.
  • Medium password shows in orange color.
  • Strong password shows in green color.


That was neat. I will bring more complex features in our future issues.

That's it for this week's issue of building one complex frontend feature every week. See you next week.

Reply to this email, if you have any suggestion on which feature should I build in future issues.

Whenever you are ready, I can help you in 2 ways.

  • Ask Me Anything: If you have any question related to web development. Ask me here. I reply to all questions.
  • LinkedIn For Developers: Book 1:1 call with me to turn around your LinkedIn profile and attract better opportunities.

Diary Of A Dev

I am building one complex frontend feature or solving a complex frontend interview question every week. And breakdown the exact steps, thought process, and system design behind it. Join the newsletter to learn with me.

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